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Q: Where is Sony Music located?

Q: What is the phone number for Sony Music?

Q: What labels are part of Sony Music?

Q: How do I submit a demo to Sony Music?

Q: How do I find out more about employment opportunities with Sony Music?

Q: How do I find out more about internship opportunities with Sony Music?

Q: Who do I contact if I am an artist or other rights holder with a question about royalty claims, processing,  or administration – including issues such as updating my mailing address and contact information?

Q: I am a member of the press looking for a media contact. Who do I ask if have a question about a Sony Music artist, including requests for interviews, review materials, photos, videos, credentials and other assets?

Q: Who do I contact if I’m interested in licensing a song or video from a Sony Music artist for use in my film, television, commercial, web series, radio show, podcast , multi-media project, etc.?

Q: Where can I find more information about Sony Music?

Q: Where is Sony Music located?

Sony Music has offices in over 40 countries around the world. Its global headquarters are located at 25 Madison Ave, New York, New York.

Q: What is the phone number for Sony Music?

For a list of contact numbers for Sony Music offices around the world, please visit our Contacts page.

Q: What labels are part of Sony Music?

A list of many of the labels in the Sony Music family and links to their sites can be found at our Labels page.

Q: How do I submit a demo to Sony Music?

Sony Music and its employees do not accept, or consider, unsolicited sound recordings, musical compositions or any other creative materials.

For one of Sony Music’s labels or creative centers to review a demo, it must come recommended through an established music industry professional, such as a manager, lawyer, agent, producer, artist, programmer, or tastemaker. We suggest you consult with one or more of these professionals for more information.

Please note that if, despite our policy, you submit unsolicited material to us, then Sony Music has no obligation, and shall not be liable to you, or to any person claiming through you, based on such submission.

Q: How do I find out more about employment opportunities with Sony Music?

To view our current job openings, apply for positions online, and find out more about applying for positions with Sony Music, please visit our Careers page

Q: How do I find out more about internship opportunities with Sony Music?

Sony Music offers a limited number of internships for college students during the fall, spring and summer semesters. For additional information, please visit our Careers page.

Q: Who do I contact if I am an artist or other rights holder with a question about royalty claims, processing, or administration – including issues such as updating my mailing address and contact information?

For answers to questions about artist or producer royalties, including how to read your royalty statement, request accounting, and update your mailing and payee information please visit the Artist Portal.

For answers to similar questions concerning mechanical royalty payments, please click here.

Q: I am a member of the press looking for a media contact. Who do I ask if have a question about a Sony Music artist, including requests for interviews, review materials, photos, videos, credentials and other assets?

Media questions about Sony Music artists should be directed to the publicity department of the label to which the artist is signed.

Columbia Records: [email protected]

RCA Records: [email protected]

Epic Records[email protected]

Sony Music Nashville: [email protected]

Sony Music Latin: [email protected]

Sony Music Masterworks: [email protected]

Legacy Recordings: [email protected]

Learn more about Sony Music’s record labels here.

Q: Who do I contact if I’m interested in licensing a song or video from a Sony Music artist for use in my film, television, commercial, web series, radio show, podcast , multi-media project, etc.?

If you would like to license master recording rights from a Sony Music artist, please click here.

Q: Where can I find more information about Sony Music?

Click here for more information on the company, or visit our Executives page to learn more about Sony Music leadership.

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